Friday, July 24, 2009

HELP.....calling all 'interior designers'....

Purchasing the stuff for preparing the wall

Pre-preping the wall. We had to cut out the sheetrock to the size rock we are placing on the wall and add more studs and backerboard on the wall. Carpet had to be cut and pulled back also.....
This is a look at our mess, but it is the smaller of the two messes we had :) We worked 10 hours day one and this is how much we did and that was with lunch break only!

We first laid the pattern, then put the mud under them

Laying the hearth (these rocks were 'heavy' took 2 men to lift them) second day we worked 10 hours to complete the work. What a job....I have a better appreciation for rock layers!

Completed "dry stack" wall and hearth (but I have not cleaned the rocks yet, still wet)

With your help, I need to find a "L" shape couch, or an arrangement of furniture that will fit around the wall. I have lost this wall to seating and only have 2 walls to work with. I have one couch and a recliner (yes, this is hubbies and can't get rid of it YET), an end table and an old antique truck as my coffee table. So you see the wall, any suggestions?

I like to go with earth colors, browns, beige's.....:)

1 comment:

Steph said...

Love the rock, but could you not turn the air on for that poor guy??? What are you going to put between the rock and where the carpet was cut???? Might just have to come and see it!!! Looks Great