A mom so proud of daughter and her 'horse(s)'....B had run 2 of her 3 horses entered last night at the barrel race. The times were 1000th of a second a part, the first horse she ran was Bunny(you can see her picture on the Archive links) and she had a good run, turned the barrels really well, you can see her improving each run, she is my youngest one and we are seasoning her, I thought the time was slow (at the time anyway), but proud of her. She ran her main horse second and Gypsy turned some good barrels, ran OK, but the dirt was deep and a little wet, when Gypsy is unsure of the ground and knows she may slip and hurt her best friend and rider B, she won't dig in like she normally does, but was placing in the 1D. The one 'great' thing about Gypsy, when we see the ground looking good, she sees a whole different thing by 'feel'. She will do what she has to, to protect B. Even if that means slowing down.
Then the last horse she was running was Lil Bit. She had been injured and was out for almost a year before coming back this March. Bringing her back has been a feeling of insecurity, fear, nerves, excitement, anticipation because she is special. She is small and quick, you better be ready when you run her and hang on. She went in and turned a nice first barrel, I knew if she could get past the 2nd barrel, she would have a good run. When turning the 2nd barrel Lil Bit gives you enough room for your leg to scrape all the way around the barrel, so your leg must be up against her and not 'fat', LOL. She turned the 3rd barrel with a stumble due to the ground, pushing herself and cowing the turn. When Lil Bit runs, she pens her ears and is flat lined. She is so much fun to watch when she runs. Maybe one day I will get a video on here for you. Once they called out the time, I was so excited. One of the fastest runs she had made there and placed 2nd in the 1D. She won 2 checks totally $90, not bad for one night, the fun and dirt that we felt when we finally got home last night! I couldn't go to sleep because I was so proud of all 4 of my girls!
I still can't get over how big BB is. She is beautiful. Just like her mom and big sister.
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