Wednesday, December 24, 2008

What a, cooking, cooking and cooking

Chocolate Pie
Fresh Pecan, Chocolate and Reeces Peanut Butter pies

I have been working to get everything ready for dinner tomorrow. Mom still doesn't feel the best, so I volunteered to cook IF she didn't invite every member of our family to eat...I knew that would totally take 2 days to cook, LOL.... I have made 3 pans of cornbread for the dressing, cut up all the veggies, onions (green and yellow), tomatoes, celery, and bacon (for fried corn and green bean casserole), made a 7 layer bean (Mexican) dip for tonight. Later on I will get my fresh frozen corn out to start thawing. I will be taking Homemade rolls, cornbread dressing, buttered carrots, green beans, pies and corn for tomorrow. Mom will cook the ham and turkey. Hopefully Melissa (sister in law) will do potatoes and anything else we need!

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