Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I couldn't resist....may get fired....NOT ~LOL

My bosses jeep is now 'Pink'
I couldn't resist, my boss is so much fun to mess with, he is somewhat 'blond'. A few months ago, my daughter drove his daughter to a baseball game, (keep in mind this jeep is 'new' to him and his daughter is 16 and still does not have her drivers license ~ great dad to haul her around everywhere)
He came to pick up his daughter at the ball field, turned in to park by my daughters car and the tires are so big on this jeep, they extend outside the rim of the jeep, so his tire ran down my daughters car leaving a black strip. We have made fun of him telling him he is unable to see and to get a jeep the size of him! So the 'payback' was 'great!' When he parked by us, I first looked for more black strips down the car (LOL). I told my daughter we have to do something to his jeep, she had pink crape paper in her car, so what is a girl to do? We decorated his jeep in PINK! You can't see very well because of the angle I took the picture with my IPhone, but it had crape paper inside and out (he left his sunroof open)

This is great because he still doesn't know who did it! Oh well, just wish I had seen his face when he came out! Oh, his daughter was with him so she probably didn't help him get the paper off.
For the ones who do not know what I do, I teach and my boss is the Principal.....we have so much fun at school~ and out and about!

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Ha! That's so funny!! I sometimes wish I was a teacher because it seems like they always have so much fun together up at school! I think you're going to land yourself in the principal's office for this one! LOL!!