Friday, August 1, 2008

Mowing the pasture!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!

Gypsy~ The reason why I mowed my pasture!
Pasture looks good, huh? Clean cut lawn
Pasture cut and clean for Gypsy

What we do for our 'loved' ones! Can you believe I mowed my pasture this morning? Me neither (laughing). The mare (above picture) started producing 2x saliva Sunday or Monday, so after some research, looks like she has a fungus from the grass in her pasture. If she continued slobbering from the mouth in this hot weather, she would soon dehydrate and could become very ill or die. I had to take drastic measures, some types of grass/red clover/clover/legumes will cause horses to produce lots of saliva. To take care of the problem, you have to take them off the culprit, dry lot the horse, and cut the grass hoping it will kill the fungi that is on the grass that produces the horse to produce a lot of saliva! So that is the reason why I spent $3.96 a gallon for gas to put in my mower to mow the "pasture", yep my husband thinks I have totally lost it now! LOL

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