Saturday, January 2, 2010

What better way than to spend the day with your besties?

JD starts out driving us for the day!

Me and my ol' high school bestie (she lives is Alabama)

"My BIG Daddy", Linda and Gary
Teri, Steve and Adell

Bec and David (also my bestie)

the one and only awesome JD

For the past few years my ol' high school friends got together during Christmas and summer when all were in visiting. I know what you are thinking, but we really have ssssoooo much fun when we are together. NO, spouses are NOT allowed on this trip! We all meet at JD's, cram into a vehicle, go eat lunch, start our rounds visiting all our ol high school teachers, lol the ones we loved the best and then that night others who are part of our class get together and we meet either at a restaurant! During the day, I hate to say, it is a selected few that go and visit, we love doing this and we also take time to go visit the cemetery of all our classmates that we have lost over the years!

Last night we decided to go our friends home, she volunteered ok? We had potluck and it was the best! JD put an old video in that was made 30 years ago, it was made in Drama class at CHS with class of 1977 and I laughed until my gut was in knots!

I have to say, I look forward to this day every year that we can get together and go over all that we use to do and got in trouble for! As a teacher now, back then what we thought was 'bad' was noting compared to these days! WE all decided last night that we are so glad we grew up in the time (70's) we did! It was the best! Now I am putting together more video and I have already starting cracking up over some of our pictures! Hopefully, I will be able to post them, I promise you, you will even laugh at our dress, hair and gestures.

Stay tuned!

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