Especially "Young" ones! Does your husband carry your dinner plate to the table for you? Does he open doors for you? How about protect you from evil? Such as 'bad', 'ugly' words from others? How about, that he is very 'smart' but doesn't want you to know how smart he really is? Hummmm you are thinking! ME TOO! And is he 16 years old? Does he play Football, dedicated to himself and his team?
I have not seen one of these young gentlemen in years! But I have now! BB's boyfriend is this guy that I have been describing! Since they have started going out, not once has she had to carry her lunch plate (at lunch) to their table, he always waits for her after class, carries her books, opens her locker for her, and walks her to every class. He waits for her in the parking lot in the morning, makes sure she gets to the school safely and tops all this with his cute smile and his blue eyes glistening at BB, his head held high and proud. How could a parent not be proud of a young man like this? Oh, did I mention that before he leaves he shakes BB's dads hand? All this from a 16 year old, who had only been on this earth 16 years and knows more than some men that have been here twice his age! Yes, that is 32 years!
Well he is a Warrior.......Lamar Warrior! He is the center for our team, and I am very proud of him and happy that B made a good choice in choosing him! He is so sweet! Thank you Lord!
I have not seen one of these young gentlemen in years! But I have now! BB's boyfriend is this guy that I have been describing! Since they have started going out, not once has she had to carry her lunch plate (at lunch) to their table, he always waits for her after class, carries her books, opens her locker for her, and walks her to every class. He waits for her in the parking lot in the morning, makes sure she gets to the school safely and tops all this with his cute smile and his blue eyes glistening at BB, his head held high and proud. How could a parent not be proud of a young man like this? Oh, did I mention that before he leaves he shakes BB's dads hand? All this from a 16 year old, who had only been on this earth 16 years and knows more than some men that have been here twice his age! Yes, that is 32 years!
Well he is a Warrior.......Lamar Warrior! He is the center for our team, and I am very proud of him and happy that B made a good choice in choosing him! He is so sweet! Thank you Lord!
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