Thursday, August 28, 2008

Goof Balls! Just cause it's our Birthday(!?!?!?)

Who in the world is this? Not my daughter! (?)
Like Mother ~ Like Daughter "Oops" Like Daughter~ Like Mother!

You can't really trust the photographer unless you are the photographer.
You never know how your pictures will turn out.......

What the heck...we have an excuse for acting crazy! Just because we are 'Arkies' doesn't mean we do not know how to have fun! LOL We will be having the 'Birthday' Party Monday, I will post pictures of the grand day! I really can't remember the tinder ol' age of 16! Just that I went to town and drove my Toyota up and down main street until I had blisters on my hand from shifting gears so much!

Sweet 16! GOT YA "Happy Birthday"

And Surprised! LOL
Happy 16.....We luv you....!
Mom, Dad, Sissy, Paul, Fallon, Kale
Meme, Papaw, MeMaw and Pawpaw Arnold
& the rest of the family

Monday, August 18, 2008

Was in ER last night (funny)

Bunny (guilty party)
2 1/2 hours in ER

Looks like I am waving while driving

Had a mishap last night. My horse had her bit in her mouth and was stuck, for some reason it wouldn't come out, so while trying to jiggle it lose, I had my finger on the bit, when she bit down and took some of my finger. It looks worse than it is.....but will take some time to heal. Got my fingernail and a chunk of the finger, except it is still on! Just 'cracks' me up! (it is throbbing, Advil works pretty good). Lol only me!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Chocolate Pie and babysitting....

'Make'n' chocolate pie
I love to cook! ~ understatement........BB was riding her horses, I was making a chocolate pie for a friend of mine who recently had surgery, when I noticed one of my dogs was babysitting my mare who just happened to 'roll' in the arena! Now I have to give her another bath!

My work is never done~

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

3rd Watch Dog

This is the biggest, baddest watch dog anyone could have for their protection. His name is "Spur" and when driving up in our yard, do not, I repeat, DO NOT get out of your vehicle. Spur could 'Lick' you to death...! He is so small, that he actually thinks he is a cat! White Westie is his breed, but he still thinks he is a barn cat!

Tired or Attitude?

Lil Bit and BB getting ready to ride
This is her 3rd horse today to ride, attitude or tired?

Monday, August 11, 2008


MY chickens are finally over their strike! I am getting 6 eggs a day, shhhhhh, don't let them hear this, they may go on strike again! They are still cheating me, some of the eggs are 'smaller' than others. I had been getting the extra large size, now I get between med/large to large.

At least I am getting eggs now! YIPPPPEEEEE

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Chickens on strike!


My chickens have gone on strike! This heat has made them mad, so they are not laying. I have 8 chickens, counting Bertha and we are only getting 4 eggs a day! That means someone is holding out! I refuse to pay $2.00 a dozen for eggs in the store vs. these fresh eggs that my chickens 'should' be laying......................update ~ purchased a fan for my chickens to place in their house! LOL

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Hay, Hay, Hay...........................

I just wish I had a picture, but I am to tired to take one~ What were we thinking? 105 degrees and we hauled 'square' bales of hay! 144 bales! If some of you are not aware of what square bales of hay are, Google it and imagine hauling 144 bales twice? Yes, 2x's, because you have to stack it on the trailer you are hauling it on, then you have to unload it in the barn. So it is going through your hands twice!

Not only have I had to prepare our food for the winter, canning tomatoes, salsa, tomato juice, strawberry and peach jelly, freezing corn, peaches and strawberries, the horses also have to have hay for their winter food! Now that my age is catching up with me, I realize why years ago these families had so many children! For the help! LOL

Thank you to my favorite son-in-law "Paul", he so graciously volunteered to help us, without him, Greg, BB and I would still be hauling it! LOL

Friday, August 1, 2008

Watch Dogs...............


My faithful watch dogs, plus "Spur" not pictured (yet)!

Mowing the pasture!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!

Gypsy~ The reason why I mowed my pasture!
Pasture looks good, huh? Clean cut lawn
Pasture cut and clean for Gypsy

What we do for our 'loved' ones! Can you believe I mowed my pasture this morning? Me neither (laughing). The mare (above picture) started producing 2x saliva Sunday or Monday, so after some research, looks like she has a fungus from the grass in her pasture. If she continued slobbering from the mouth in this hot weather, she would soon dehydrate and could become very ill or die. I had to take drastic measures, some types of grass/red clover/clover/legumes will cause horses to produce lots of saliva. To take care of the problem, you have to take them off the culprit, dry lot the horse, and cut the grass hoping it will kill the fungi that is on the grass that produces the horse to produce a lot of saliva! So that is the reason why I spent $3.96 a gallon for gas to put in my mower to mow the "pasture", yep my husband thinks I have totally lost it now! LOL